
You can find these Scheme scripts here.

Gauss beam in 2d

;; file:    Gauss2d.ctl
;; brief:   Scheme configuration input file for the FDTD solver Meep simulating the scattering of a 
;;          Gaussian beam at planar and curved dielectric interfaces
;; author:  Daniel Kotik
;; version: 1.2.0
;; date:    28.11.2019
;; example invocations: a) launch the serial version of meep with specified polarisation (p)
;;                              meep s-pol\?=false Gauss2d.ctl
;;                      b) launch the parallel version of meep using 8 cores with specified interface (concave)
;;                              mpirun -quiet -np 8 meep-mpi interface='"concave"' Gauss2d.ctl
;; coordinate system in meep (defines center of computational cell):  --|-----> x
;;                                                                      |
;;                                                                      |
;;                                                                      v y
;; example visualisations (square brackets contain optional arguments for overlaying the dielectric function):
;;          h5topng -S2 -c  hot       [-a yarg -A eps-000000000.h5] e2_s-000003696.h5
;;          h5topng -S2 -Zc dkbluered [-a gray -A eps-000000000.h5]   ez-000003696.h5

(print "\nstart time: "(strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) "\n")

;; physical parameters characterizing light source and interface characteristics 
;; (must be adjusted - either here or via command line)
(define-input-var interface "planar"        ; specify type of interface 
                            'string (lambda type (or (string=? type "planar" ) 
                                                     (string=? type "concave") 
                                                     (string=? type "convex" ))))
(define-param s-pol? true )                 ; true for s-spol, false for p-pol
(define-param ref_medium 0)                 ; reference medium whose wavenumber is used as inverse scaling length
                                            ; (0 - free space, 1 - incident medium, 2 - refracted medium)
                                            ; k is then equivalent to k_ref_medium: k_1 = k_0*n_1 or k_2 = k_0*n_2
(define-param n1  1.54)                     ; index of refraction of the incident medium
(define-param n2  1.00)                     ; index of refraction of the refracted medium
(define-param kw_0   8)                     ; beam width (>5 is good)
(define-param kr_w  60)                     ; beam waist distance to interface (30 to 50 is good if
                                            ; source position coincides with beam waist)
(define-param kr_c 150)                     ; radius of curvature (if interface is either concave of convex)

(define (Critical n1 n2)                    ; calculates the critical angle in degrees
      ((> n1 n2) (* (/ (asin (/ n2 n1)) (* 2.0 pi)) 360.0))
      ((< n1 n2) (print "\nWarning: Critical angle is not defined, since n1 < n2!\n\n") (exit))
      ((= n1 n2) (print "\nWarning: Critical angle is not defined, since n1 = n2!\n\n") (exit))

(define (Brewster n1 n2)                    ; calculates the Brewster angle in degrees
        (* (/ (atan (/ n2 n1)) (* 2.0 pi)) 360.0))

;; define incidence angle relative to the Brewster or critical angle, or set it explicitly (in degrees)
;(define-param chi_deg  (* 0.85 (Brewster n1 n2)))
;(define-param chi_deg  (* 0.99 (Critical n1 n2)))
(define-param chi_deg  45.0)

;; specific Meep paramters (may need to be adjusted - either here or via command line)
(define-param sx 5)                         ; size of cell including PML in x-direction
(define-param sy 5)                         ; size of cell including PML in y-direction
(define-param pml_thickness 0.25)           ; thickness of PML layer
(define-param freq    12)                   ; vacuum frequency of source (5 to 12 is good)
(define-param runtime 10)                   ; runs simulation for 10 times freq periods
(define-param pixel   10)                   ; number of pixels per wavelength in the denser
                                            ; medium (at least 10, 20 to 30 is a good choice)
(define-param source_shift -2.15)           ; source position with respect to the center (point of impact) in Meep
;(define-param source_shift (* -1.0 rw))    ; units (-2.15 good); if equal -rw, then source position coincides with
                                            ; waist position
(define-param relerr 0.0001)                ; relative error for integration routine (0.0001 or smaller)

;; derived Meep parameters (do not change)
(define k_vac (* 2.0 pi freq))
(define k1    (* n1  k_vac  ))              ; wave number inside the incident medium
(define n_ref (cond ((= ref_medium 0) 1.0)  ; index of refraction of the reference medium
                    ((= ref_medium 1)  n1)
                    ((= red_medium 2)  n2)))
(define rw  (/ kr_w (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define w_0 (/ kw_0 (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define r_c (/ kr_c (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define shift (+ source_shift rw))          ; distance from source position to beam waist (along y-axis)

;; placement of the dielectric interface within the computational cell
;; helper functions
(define (alpha _chi_deg)                    ; angle of inclined plane with y-axis
        (- (/ pi 2.0) (* (/ _chi_deg 360) 2 pi)))
(define (Delta_x _alpha)                    ; inclined plane offset to the center of the cell
        (* (/ sx 2.0) (/ (-(- (sqrt 2.0) (cos _alpha)) (sin _alpha)) (sin _alpha))))
(define (chi_rad _chi_deg)                  ; conversion degrees to radians
        (* (/ _chi_deg 360.0) (* 2.0 pi)))

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))

    ((string=? interface "planar")
        (set! default-material (make dielectric (index n1)))
        (set! geometry (list
                        (make block         ; located at lower right edge for 45 degree tilt
                        (center (+ (/ sx 2.0) (Delta_x (alpha chi_deg))) (/ sy -2.0))
                        (size infinity (* (sqrt 2.0) sx) infinity)
                        (e1 (/ 1.0 (tan (alpha chi_deg)))  1 0)
                        (e2 -1 (/ 1.0 (tan (alpha chi_deg))) 0)
                        (e3 0 0 1)
                        (material (make dielectric (index n2)))))
    ((string=? interface "concave")
        (set! default-material (make dielectric (index n2)))
        (set! geometry (list
                    (make cylinder
                    (center (* -1 (* r_c (cos (chi_rad chi_deg)))) (* r_c (sin (chi_rad chi_deg)))) 
                                          ; move center to the right in order to ensure that the point of impact is
                                          ; always centrally placed
                    (height infinity)
                    (radius r_c)
                    (material (make dielectric (index n1)))))
    ((string=? interface "convex" )
        (set! default-material (make dielectric (index n1)))
        (set! geometry (list
                    (make cylinder
                    (center (* r_c (cos (chi_rad chi_deg))) (* -1.0 (* r_c (sin (chi_rad chi_deg))))) 
                                          ; move center to the right in order to ensure that the point of impact is
                                          ; always centrally placed
                    (height infinity)
                    (radius r_c)
                    (material (make dielectric (index n2)))))

;; add absorbing boundary conditions and discretize structure
(set! pml-layers 
    (list (make pml (thickness pml_thickness))))
(set! resolution                            ; set resolution in pixels per Meep distance unit
      (* pixel (* (if (> n1 n2) n1 n2) freq)))
(set! Courant                               ; set Courant factor (mandatory if either n1 or n2 is smaller than 1)
      (/ (if (< n1 n2) n1 n2) 2))

;; beam profile distribution(s) (field amplitude) at the waist of the beam
(define (Gauss W_y)
        (lambda (r) (exp (* -1.0 (expt (/ (vector3-y r) W_y) 2.0)))

;(define (Asymmetric W_y)
;        (lambda (r) ...
;        ))

;; spectrum amplitude distribution(s)
(define (f_Gauss W_y)
        (lambda (k_y) (exp (* -1.0 (expt (* 0.5 k_y W_y) 2.0)))

;(define (f_asymmetric W_y)
;        (lambda (k_y) ...
;        ))

;; plane wave decomposition 
;; (purpose: calculate field amplitude at light source position if not coinciding with beam waist)
(define (integrand f x y)
        (lambda (k_y) (* (f k_y)
                        (exp (* 0+1i x (sqrt (- (* k1 k1) (* k_y k_y)))))
                        (exp (* 0+1i k_y y)))

;; complex field amplitude at position (x, y) with spectrum amplitude distribution f
;; (one may have to adjust the 'relerr' parameter value in the integrate function)
(define (psi f x)
        (lambda (r) (car (integrate (integrand f x (vector3-y r))
                          (* -1.0 k1) (* 1.0 k1) relerr))

;; display values of physical variables
(print "\n")
(print "Specified variables and derived values: \n")
(print "chi:   " chi_deg        " [degree]\n") ; angle of incidence
(print "incl.: " (- 90 chi_deg) " [degree]\n") ; interface inclination with respect to the x-axis
(print "kw_0:  " kw_0  "\n")
(print "kr_w:  " kr_w  "\n")
(if (not (string=? interface "planar")) (print "kr_c:  " kr_c  "\n"))
(print "k_vac: " k_vac "\n")
(print "polarisation: " (if s-pol? "s" "p") "\n")
(print "interface: " interface "\n")
(print "\n")
;(print "spectrum amplitude: " ((f_Gauss w_0) 20.0)                        "\n")
;(print "integrand:          " ((integrand (f_Gauss w_0) 0.8 2.0) 20.0)    "\n")
;(print "field amplitude:    " ((psi (f_Gauss w_0) 0.8) (vector3 0 0.2 0)) "\n")
;; specify current source, output functions and run simulation
(use-output-directory interface)            ; put output files in a separate folder
(set! force-complex-fields? false)          ; default: false
(set! eps-averaging? true)                  ; default: true

(set! sources (list
                  (make source
                      (src (make continuous-src (frequency freq) (width 0.5)))
                      (if s-pol? (component Ez) (component Ey))
                      (size 0 2.0 0)
                      (center source_shift 0 0)
                      ;(amp-func (Gauss w_0)))
                      ;(amp-func (Asymmetric (/ w_0 (sqrt 3.0)))))
                      (amp-func (psi (f_Gauss w_0) shift)))

;; calculates |E|^2 with |.| denoting the complex modulus if 'force-complex-fields?' is set to true, otherwise |.|
;; gives the Euclidean norm
(define (eSquared r ex ey ez)
        (+ (expt (magnitude ex) 2) (expt (magnitude ey) 2) (expt (magnitude ez) 2)))

(define (output-efield2) (output-real-field-function (if s-pol? "e2_s" "e2_p")
                                                     (list Ex Ey Ez) eSquared))

(run-until runtime
     (at-beginning (lambda () (print "\nCalculating inital field configuration. This will take some time...\n\n")))
     (at-beginning output-epsilon)          ; output of dielectric function
     (if s-pol?
         (at-end output-efield-z)           ; output of E_z component (for s-polarisation)
         (at-end output-efield-y))          ; output of E_y component (for p-polarisation)
     (at-end output-efield2)                ; output of electric field intensity

(print "\nend time: "(strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) "\n")

Airy beam in 2d

;; file:    Airy2d.ctl
;; brief:   Scheme configuration input file for the FDTD solver Meep simulating the scattering of an 
;;          incomplete Airy beam at a planar dielectric interface
;; author:  Daniel Kotik
;; version: 1.2.0
;; date:    28.11.2019
;; example invocations: a) launch the serial version of meep with specified polarisation (p)
;;                              meep s-pol\?=false Airy2d.ctl
;;                      b) launch the parallel version of meep using 8 cores
;;                              mpirun -quiet -np 8 meep-mpi Airy2d.ctl
;; coordinate system in meep (defines center of computational cell):  --|-----> x
;;                                                                      |
;;                                                                      |
;;                                                                      v y
;; example visualisation (square brackets contain optional arguments for overlaying the dielectric function):
;;          h5topng -S2 -X scalex -c hot [-a yarg -A eps-000000000.h5] e2_s-000003696.h5 
;;          (if necessary, scale the x dimension of the image by scalex)

(print "\nstart time: "(strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) "\n")

;; physical parameters characterizing light source and interface characteristics 
;; (must be adjusted - either here or via command line)
(define-param s-pol? true )                 ; true for s-spol, false for p-pol
(define-param ref_medium 0)                 ; reference medium whose wavenumber is used as inverse scaling length
                                            ; (0 - free space, 1 - incident medium, 2 - refracted medium)
                                            ; k is then equivalent to k_ref_medium: k_1 = k_0*n_1 or k_2 = k_0*n_2
(define-param n1  1.00)                     ; index of refraction of the incident medium
(define-param n2  0.65)                     ; index of refraction of the refracted medium
(define-param kw_0   7)                     ; beam width (>5 is good)
(define-param kr_w   0)                     ; beam waist distance to interface (30 to 50 is good if
                                            ; source position coincides with beam waist)
(define-param M  0)                         ; center of integration window
(set-param!   W  4)                         ; width of integration window

(define (Critical n1 n2)                    ; calculates the critical angle in degrees
      ((> n1 n2) (* (/ (asin (/ n2 n1)) (* 2.0 pi)) 360.0))
      ((< n1 n2) (print "\nWarning: Critical angle is not defined, since n1 < n2!\n\n") (exit))
      ((= n1 n2) (print "\nWarning: Critical angle is not defined, since n1 = n2!\n\n") (exit))

(define (Brewster n1 n2)                    ; calculates the Brewster angle in degrees
        (* (/ (atan (/ n2 n1)) (* 2.0 pi)) 360.0))

;; define incidence angle relative to the Brewster or critical angle, or set it explicitly (in degrees)
;(define-param chi_deg  (* 0.85 (Brewster n1 n2)))
;(define-param chi_deg  (* 1.0 (Critical n1 n2)))
(define-param chi_deg  45.0)

;; specific Meep paramters (may need to be adjusted - either here or via command line)
(define-param sx 10)                        ; size of cell including PML in x-direction
(define-param sy 10)                        ; size of cell including PML in y-direction
(define-param pml_thickness 0.25)           ; thickness of PML layer
(define-param freq    12)                   ; vacuum frequency of source (4 to 12 is good)
(define-param runtime 90)                   ; runs simulation for X times freq periods
(define-param pixel   15)                   ; number of pixels per wavelength in the denser medium
                                            ; (at least 10, 20 to 30 is a good choice)
;(define-param source_shift 0)              ; source position with respect to the center (point of impact) in Meep
;(define-param source_shift (* -1.0 rw))    ; units (-2.15 good); if equal -rw, then source position coincides with
                                            ; waist position
(define-param source_shift (* -0.4 (- sx (* 2 pml_thickness))))
(define-param relerr 1.0e-5)                ; relative error for integration routine (1.0e-4 or smaller)

;; derived Meep parameters (do not change)
(define k_vac (* 2.0 pi freq))
(define k1    (* n1  k_vac  ))              ; wave number inside the incident medium
(define n_ref (cond ((= ref_medium 0) 1.0)  ; index of refraction of the reference medium
                    ((= ref_medium 1)  n1)
                    ((= red_medium 2)  n2)))
(define rw  (/ kr_w (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define w_0 (/ kw_0 (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define shift (+ source_shift rw))          ; distance from source position to beam waist (along y-axis)

;; placement of the dielectric interface within the computational cell
;; helper functions
(define (alpha _chi_deg)                    ; angle of inclined plane with y-axis
        (- (/ pi 2.0) (* (/ _chi_deg 360) 2 pi)))
(define (Delta_x _alpha)                    ; inclined plane offset to the center of the cell
        (* (/ sx 2.0) (/ (-(- (sqrt 2.0) (cos _alpha)) (sin _alpha)) (sin _alpha))))
(define (chi_rad _chi_deg)                  ; conversion degrees to radians
        (* (/ _chi_deg 360.0) (* 2.0 pi)))

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))

(set! default-material (make dielectric (index n1)))
(set! geometry (list
                (make block                 ; located at lower right edge for 45 degree tilt
                (center (+ (/ sx 2.0) (Delta_x (alpha chi_deg))) (/ sy -2.0))
                (size infinity (* (sqrt 2.0) sx) infinity)
                (e1 (/ 1.0 (tan (alpha chi_deg)))  1 0)
                (e2 -1 (/ 1.0 (tan (alpha chi_deg))) 0)
                (e3 0 0 1)
                (material (make dielectric (index n2))))

;; add absorbing boundary conditions and discretize structure
(set! pml-layers 
    (list (make pml (thickness pml_thickness))))
(set! resolution                            ; set resolution in pixels per Meep distance unit
      (* pixel (* (if (> n1 n2) n1 n2) freq)))
(set! Courant                               ; set Courant factor (mandatory if either n1 or n2 is smaller than 1)
      (/ (if (< n1 n2) n1 n2) 2))

;; beam profile distribution (field amplitude) at the waist of the beam
(define (Gauss W_y)
        (lambda (r) (exp (* -1.0 (expt (/ (vector3-y r) W_y) 2.0)))

;; incomplete Airy function
(define (Ai_inc W_y M W)
        (lambda (r) (car
        (integrate (lambda (xi) (exp (* 0+1i (+ (* (/ -1 3) (expt xi 3)) (* xi (/ (vector3-y r) W_y))))))
                   (- M W) (+ M W) relerr))

;; simple test outputs
;(print "w_0: " w_0 "\n")
;(print "Airy function 1: " ((Ai_inc w_0 0 4) (vector3 1 -0.3 1)) "\n")

;; spectrum amplitude distribution
(define Heaviside
        (lambda (x) (cond ((<  x 0) 0) ((>= x 0) 1))

(define (f_Gauss W_y)
        (lambda (k_y) (exp (* -1.0 (expt (* 0.5 k_y W_y) 2)))

(define (f_Airy W_y M W)
        (lambda (k_y) (* W_y (exp (* 0+1i (* (/ -1 3) (expt (* k_y W_y) 3))))
                             (Heaviside (- (* W_y k_y) (- M W))) (Heaviside (- (+ M W) (* W_y k_y))))

;; simple test outputs
;(print "Airy spectrum: " ((f_Airy w_0 0 4) 0.2) "\n")

;; plane wave decomposition 
;; (purpose: calculate field amplitude at light source position if not coinciding with beam waist)
(define (integrand f x y)
        (lambda (k_y) (* (f k_y)
                        (exp (* 0+1i x (sqrt (- (* k1 k1) (* k_y k_y)))))
                        (exp (* 0+1i k_y y)))

;; complex field amplitude at position (x, y) with spectrum amplitude distribution f
;; (one may have to adjust the 'relerr' parameter value in the integrate function)
(define (psi f x)
        (lambda (r) (car (integrate (integrand f x (vector3-y r))
                          (* -1.0 k1) (* 1.0 k1) relerr))

;(print "Airy function 2: " ((psi (f_Airy w_0 0 4) 0) (vector3 1 -0.3 1)) "\n")

;; display values of physical variables
(print "\n")
(print "Specified variables and derived values: \n")
(print "chi:   " chi_deg        " [degree]\n") ; angle of incidence
(print "incl.: " (- 90 chi_deg) " [degree]\n") ; interface inclination with respect to the x-axis
(print "kw_0:  " kw_0  "\n")
(print "kr_w:  " kr_w  "\n")
(print "k_vac: " k_vac "\n")
(print "polarisation: " (if s-pol? "s" "p") "\n")
(print "\n")

;; specify current source, output functions and run simulation
(use-output-directory)                      ; put output files in a separate folder
(set! force-complex-fields? false)          ; default: false
(set! eps-averaging? true)                  ; default: true

(set! sources (list
                  (make source
                      (src (make continuous-src (frequency freq) (width 0.5)))
                      (if s-pol? (component Ez) (component Ey))
                      (size 0 9 0)
                      (center source_shift 0 0)
                      ;(amp-func (Gauss w_0)))
                      ;(amp-func (Ai_inc w_0 M W)))
                      (amp-func (psi (f_Airy w_0 M W) shift)))

;; calculates |E|^2 with |.| denoting the complex modulus if 'force-complex-fields?' is set to true, otherwise |.|
;; gives the Euclidean norm
(define (eSquared r ex ey ez)
        (+ (expt (magnitude ex) 2) (expt (magnitude ey) 2) (expt (magnitude ez) 2)))

(define (output-efield2) (output-real-field-function (if s-pol? "e2_s" "e2_p")
                                                     (list Ex Ey Ez) eSquared))

(run-until runtime
     (at-beginning (lambda () (print "\nCalculating inital field configuration. This will take some time...\n\n")))
     (at-beginning output-epsilon)          ; output of dielectric function
     (if s-pol?
         (at-end output-efield-z)           ; output of E_z component (for s-polarisation)
         (at-end output-efield-y))          ; output of E_y component (for p-polarisation)
     (at-end output-efield2))               ; output of electric field intensity

(print "\nend time: "(strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) "\n")

Laguerre-Gauss beam

;; file:    LaguerreGauss3d.ctl
;; brief:   Scheme configuration input file for the FDTD solver Meep simulating the scattering of a polarised
;;          Laguerre-Gaussian beam at a planar dielectric interface (3d)
;; author:  Daniel Kotik
;; version: 1.2.0
;; date:    28.11.2019
;; example invocations: a) launch the serial version of meep with specified polarisation (p)
;;                              meep e_z=0 e_y=1 LaguerreGauss3d.ctl
;;                      b) launch the parallel version of meep using 8 cores
;;                              mpirun -quiet -np 8 meep-mpi LaguerreGauss3d.ctl
;; coordinate system in meep (defines center of computational cell):  --|-----> x
;;                                                                      |
;;                                                                      |
;;                                                                      v y
;; example visualisations:
;;      - slice within the plane of incidence (x-y plane)
;;          h5topng -S2 -0 -z 0  -c hot [HDF5FILE]
;;      - slice transversal to the incident propagation axis (INDEX specifies slice index)
;;          h5topng -S2 -x INDEX -c hot [HDF5FILE]
;;      - full 3D simulation (creating a VTK file to be opened e.g., with MayaVi or ParaView)
;;          h5tovtk [HDF5FILE]
;; As input HDF5FILE choose between, for example, 'e_real2_p-000001500.h5', 'e_imag2_p-000001500.h5' (these are
;; proportional to the electric field energy density) or the sum of both 'e2.h5' (which is proportional to the complex
;; modulus of the complex electric field) obtained by
;;          h5math -e "d1 + d2" e2.h5 e_real2_p-000001500.h5 e_imag2_p-000001500.h5

(print "\nstart time: "(strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) "\n")

;; physical parameters characterizing light source and interface characteristics
;; (must be adjusted - either here or via command line)
(define-param e_z        1)                 ; z-component of Jones vector (s-polarisation: e_z = 1, e_y = 0)
(define-param e_y        0)                 ; y-component of Jones vector (p-polarisation: e_z = 0, e_y = 1)
                                            ;                      (circular-polarisation: e_z = (/ 1+1i 2),
                                            ;                                              e_y = (/ 1-1i 2))
(define-param m_charge   2)                 ; vortex charge (azimuthal quantum number, integer number)
(define-param ref_medium 0)                 ; reference medium whose wavenumber is used as inverse scaling length
                                            ; (0 - free space, 1 - incident medium, 2 - refracted medium)
                                            ; k is then equivalent to k_ref_medium: k_1 = k_0*n_1 or k_2 = k_0*n_2
(define-param n1  1.00)                     ; index of refraction of the incident medium
(define-param n2  1.54)                     ; index of refraction of the refracted medium
(define-param kw_0   8)                     ; beam width (>5 is good)
(define-param kr_w   0)                     ; beam waist distance to interface (30 to 50 is good if
                                            ; source position coincides with beam waist)

(define (Critical n1 n2)                    ; calculates the critical angle in degrees
      ((> n1 n2) (* (/ (asin (/ n2 n1)) (* 2.0 pi)) 360.0))
      ((< n1 n2) (print "\nWarning: Critical angle is not defined, since n1 < n2!\n\n") (exit))
      ((= n1 n2) (print "\nWarning: Critical angle is not defined, since n1 = n2!\n\n") (exit))

(define (Brewster n1 n2)                    ; calculates the Brewster angle in degrees
        (* (/ (atan (/ n2 n1)) (* 2.0 pi)) 360.0))

;; define incidence angle relative to the Brewster or critical angle, or set it explicitly (in degrees)
;(define-param chi_deg  (* 0.85 (Brewster n1 n2)))
;(define-param chi_deg  (* 0.99 (Critical n1 n2)))
(define-param chi_deg  45.0)

;; specific Meep paramters (may need to be adjusted - either here or via command line)
(define-param sx 5)                         ; size of cell including PML in x-direction
(define-param sy 5)                         ; size of cell including PML in y-direction
(define-param sz 4)                         ; size of cell including PML in z-direction
(define-param pml_thickness 0.25)           ; thickness of PML layer
(define-param freq     5)                   ; vacuum frequency of source (default 5)
(define-param runtime 10)                   ; runs simulation for 10 times freq periods
(define-param pixel   10)                   ; number of pixels per wavelength in the denser
                                            ; medium (at least 10, 20 to 30 is a good choice)
(define-param source_shift -2.15)           ; source position with respect to the center (point of impact) in Meep
;(define-param source_shift (* -1.0 r_w))   ; units (-2.15 good); if equal -r_w, then source position coincides with
                                            ; waist position
(define-param relerr 0.0001)                ; relative error for integration routine (0.0001 or smaller)
(define-param maxeval 10000)                ; maximum evaluations for integration routine (we recommend 1000 for testing
                                            ; purposes and 10000 or higher for a final simulation run)

;; derived Meep parameters (do not change)
(define k_vac (* 2.0 pi freq))              ; vacuum wave number
(define k1    (* n1  k_vac  ))              ; wave number inside the incident medium
(define n_ref (cond ((= ref_medium 0) 1.0)  ; index of refraction of the reference medium
                    ((= ref_medium 1)  n1)
                    ((= red_medium 2)  n2)))

(define r_w (/ kr_w (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define w_0 (/ kw_0 (* n_ref k_vac)))
(define shift (+ source_shift r_w))         ; distance from source position to beam waist (along y-axis)

(define s-pol?                              ; true if s-polarised
       (if (and (= e_z   1 ) (= e_y   0 )) true false))
(define p-pol?                              ; true if p-polarised
       (if (and (= e_z   0 ) (= e_y   1 )) true false))
(define a-pol?                              ; true if arbitrary (complex) polarised
       (if (and (not s-pol?) (not p-pol?)) true false))

;; placement of the planar dielectric interface within the computational cell
;; helper functions
(define (alpha _chi_deg)                    ; angle of inclined plane with y-axis
        (- (/ pi 2.0) (* (/ _chi_deg 360) 2 pi)))
(define (Delta_x _alpha)                    ; inclined plane offset to the center of the cell
        (* (/ sx 2.0) (/ (-(- (sqrt 2.0) (cos _alpha)) (sin _alpha)) (sin _alpha))))

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy sz)))
(set! default-material (make dielectric (index n1)))

(set! geometry (list
                (make block                 ; located at lower right edge for 45 degree tilt
                (center (+ (/ sx 2.0) (Delta_x (alpha chi_deg))) (/ sy -2.0))
                (size infinity (* (sqrt 2.0) sx) infinity)
                (e1 (/ 1.0 (tan (alpha chi_deg)))  1 0)
                (e2 -1 (/ 1.0 (tan (alpha chi_deg))) 0)
                (e3 0 0 1)
                (material (make dielectric (index n2))))

;; add absorbing boundary conditions and discretize structure
(set! pml-layers
    (list (make pml (thickness pml_thickness))))
(set! resolution                            ; set resolution in pixels per Meep distance unit
      (* pixel (* (if (> n1 n2) n1 n2) freq)))
(set! Courant                               ; set Courant factor (mandatory if either n1 or n2 is smaller than 1)
      (/ (if (< n1 n2) n1 n2) 3))

;; 2d-beam profile distribution (field amplitude) at the waist of the beam
(define (Gauss W_y)
        (lambda (r) (exp (* -1.0 (/ (+ (* (vector3-y r) (vector3-y r)) (* (vector3-z r) (vector3-z r)))
                                    (* W_y W_y))))

;; some test outputs (uncomment if needed)
;(print "Gauss 2d beam profile: " ((Gauss w_0) (vector3 0 0.5 0.2)) "\n")

;; spectrum amplitude distribution(s)

;;cartesian coordinates (not recommended) ---------------------------
;; coordinate transformation: from k-space to (theta, phi)-space
(define (phi k)
        (lambda (k_y k_z) (atan (/ k_y k) (/ (* -1 k_z) k))

(define (theta k)
        (lambda (k_y k_z) (acos (/ (real-part (sqrt (- (* k k) (* k_y k_y) (* k_z k_z)))) k))

(define (f_Gauss_cartesian W_y)
        (lambda (k_y k_z) (exp (* -1 (* (* W_y W_y) (/ (+ (* k_y k_y) (* k_z k_z)) 4))))

(define (f_Laguerre_Gauss_cartesian W_y m)
        (lambda (k_y k_z) (* ((f_Gauss_cartesian W_y) k_y k_z) (exp (* 0+1i m ((phi k1) k_y k_z)))
                             (expt ((theta k1) k_y k_z) (abs m)))

;; spherical coordinates --------------------------------------------
(define (f_Gauss_spherical W_y)
        (lambda (sin_theta . opt)           ; opt is an optional list of (unused) arguments (here:  theta, phi)
                (exp (* -1 (expt (/ (* k1 W_y sin_theta) 2) 2)))

(define (f_Laguerre_Gauss_spherical W_y m)
        (lambda (sin_theta theta phi) (* ((f_Gauss_spherical W_y) sin_theta) (expt theta (abs m)) (exp (* 0+1i m phi)))

;; some test outputs (uncomment if needed)
;(let ((k_y 1.0) (k_z 5.2))                  ; set local test values
;    (print "\nGauss spectrum (cartesian): " ((f_Gauss_cartesian w_0) k_y k_z)  "\n")
;    (print   "Gauss spectrum (spherical): " ((f_Gauss_spherical w_0) (sin ((theta k1) k_y k_z))) "\n")
;    (print "\nL-G spectrum   (cartesian): " ((f_Laguerre_Gauss_cartesian w_0 m_charge) k_y k_z) "\n")
;    (print   "L-G spectrum   (spherical): " ((f_Laguerre_Gauss_spherical w_0 m_charge) (sin ((theta k1) k_y k_z))
;                                                                                       ((theta k1) k_y k_z)
;                                                                                       ((phi k1) k_y k_z)) "\n\n")
;; plane wave decomposition
;; (purpose: calculate field amplitude at light source position if not coinciding with beam waist)
(define (integrand_cartesian f x y z)
        (lambda (k_y k_z) (* (f k_y k_z)
                             ;(exp (* 0+1i x (real-part (sqrt (- (* k1 k1) (* k_y k_y) (* k_z k_z))))))
                             ;(exp (* 0+1i y k_y))
                             ;(exp (* 0+1i z k_z)))
                             (exp (* 0+1i (+ (* x (real-part (sqrt (- (* k1 k1) (* k_y k_y) (* k_z k_z)))))
                                             (* y k_y) (* z k_z)))))

(define (integrand_spherical f x y z)
        (lambda (theta phi) (let ((sin_theta (sin theta)) (cos_theta (cos theta)))
                            (* sin_theta cos_theta (f sin_theta theta phi)
                               ;(exp (* 0-1i k1 z (sin theta) (cos phi)))
                               ;(exp (* 0+1i k1 y (sin theta) (sin phi)))
                               ;(exp (* 0+1i k1 x (cos theta))))
                               (exp (* 0+1i k1 (+ (* sin_theta (- (* y (sin phi)) (* z (cos phi))))
                                                  (* cos_theta x))))))

;; complex field amplitude at position (x, y) with spectrum amplitude distribution f
;; (one may have to adjust the 'relerr' and 'maxeval' parameter values in the integrate function)
(define (psi_cartesian f x)
        (lambda (r) (car (integrate (integrand_cartesian f x (vector3-y r) (vector3-z r))
                         (list (* -1.0 k1) (* -1.0 k1)) (list (* 1.0 k1) (* 1.0 k1)) relerr 0 maxeval))

(define (psi_spherical f x)
        (lambda (r) (* k1 k1 (car (integrate (integrand_spherical f x (vector3-y r) (vector3-z r))
                         (list 0 0) (list (/ pi 2) (* 2 pi)) relerr 0 maxeval)))

;; some test outputs (uncomment if needed)
;(let ((k_y 1.0) (k_z 5.2) (x -2.15) (y 0.3) (z 0.5))  ; set local test values
;    (print "integrand      (cartesian): " ((integrand_cartesian (f_Laguerre_Gauss_cartesian w_0 m_charge) x y z)
;                                                                k_y k_z) "\n")
;    (print "integrand      (spherical): " ((integrand_spherical (f_Laguerre_Gauss_spherical w_0 m_charge)
;                                                                 x y z) ((theta k1) k_y k_z) ((phi k1) k_y k_z)) "\n\n")
;    (print "psi            (cartesian): " ((psi_cartesian (f_Laguerre_Gauss_cartesian w_0 m_charge) x)
;                                           (vector3 0 y z)) "\n")
;    (print "psi            (spherical): " ((psi_spherical (f_Laguerre_Gauss_spherical w_0 m_charge) x)
;                                           (vector3 0 y z)) "\n")
;    (print "psi       (origin, simple): " ((Gauss w_0) (vector3 0 y z)) "\n")

;; display values of various variables
(print "\n")
(print "Expected output file size: " (round (* 8 (/ (* sx sy sz (expt resolution 3)) (expt 1024 2)))) " MiB\n")
(print "\n")
(print "Specified variables and derived values: \n")
(print "n1:    " n1    "\n")
(print "n2:    " n2    "\n")
(print "chi:   " chi_deg        " [degree]\n") ; angle of incidence
(print "incl.: " (- 90 chi_deg) " [degree]\n") ; interface inclination with respect to the x-axis
(print "kw_0:  " kw_0  "\n")
(print "kr_w:  " kr_w  "\n")
(print "k_vac: " k_vac "\n")
(print "vortex charge: " m_charge "\n")
(print "Jones vector components: (e_z=" e_z ", e_y=" e_y ")")
(print " ---> " (cond (s-pol? "s-") (p-pol? "p-") (a-pol? "mixed-")) "polarisation" "\n")

(print "degree of linear   polarisation at pi/4: " (* 2 (real-part (* (conj (- 0 e_z)) e_y))) "\n")
(print "degree of circular polarisation: "         (* 2 (imag-part (* (conj (- 0 e_z)) e_y))) "\n")
(print "\n")

;; exploiting symmetries to reduce computational effort
;; (only possible for beams without intrinsic orbital angular momentum, i.e. no vortex charge)

;; The plane of incidence (x-y-plane) is a mirror plane which is characterised to be orthogonal to the z-axis
;; (symmetry of the geometric structure). Symmetry of the sources must be ensured simultaneously, which is only
;; possible for certain cases. If I am not mistaken this can only be achieved for vortex free beams with pure s- or
;; p-polarisation, i.e. where either the Ez or Ey component is specified.
(if (equal? m_charge 0)
        (cond (s-pol?                       ; s-polarisation
              (set! symmetries (list (make mirror-sym (direction Z) (phase -1)))))
              (p-pol?                       ; p-polarisation
              (set! symmetries (list (make mirror-sym (direction Z)           ))))

;; specify current source, output functions and run simulation
(use-output-directory)                      ; put output files in a separate folder
(set! force-complex-fields? true)           ; default: true
(set! eps-averaging? true)                  ; default: true

(set! sources (filter (compose not unspecified?)
                  (if (not (equal? e_z 0))
                      (make source
                          (src (make continuous-src (frequency freq) (width 0.5)))
                          (component Ez)
                          (amplitude e_z)
                          (size 0 3 3)
                          (center source_shift 0 0)
                          ;(amp-func (Gauss w_0))
                          ;(amp-func (psi_cartesian (f_Laguerre_Gauss_cartesian w_0 m_charge) shift))
                          (if (equal? m_charge 0)
                              ;; if vortex charge is zero use Gauss spectrum distribution (improves perfomance)
                              (amp-func (psi_spherical (f_Gauss_spherical w_0) shift))
                              (amp-func (psi_spherical (f_Laguerre_Gauss_spherical w_0 m_charge) shift))
                  (if (not (equal? e_y 0))
                      (make source
                          (src (make continuous-src (frequency freq) (width 0.5)))
                          (component Ey)
                          (amplitude e_y)
                          (size 0 3 3)
                          (center source_shift 0 0)
                          ;(amp-func (Gauss w_0))
                          ;(amp-func (psi_cartesian (f_Laguerre_Gauss_cartesian w_0 m_charge) shift))
                          (if (equal? m_charge 0)
                              ;; if vortex charge is zero use Gauss spectrum distribution (improves perfomance)
                              (amp-func (psi_spherical (f_Gauss_spherical w_0) shift))
                              (amp-func (psi_spherical (f_Laguerre_Gauss_spherical w_0 m_charge) shift))

(define (efield-real-squared r ex ey ez)    ; calculates |Re E|^2
        (+ (expt (real-part ex) 2) (expt (real-part ey) 2) (expt (real-part ez) 2)))

(define (efield-imag-squared r ex ey ez)    ; calculates |Im E|^2
        (+ (expt (imag-part ex) 2) (expt (imag-part ey) 2) (expt (imag-part ez) 2)))

(define (output-efield-real-squared) (output-real-field-function (cond (s-pol? "e_real2_s") (p-pol? "e_real2_p")
                                                                       (a-pol? "e_real2_mixed"))
                                                                 (list Ex Ey Ez) efield-real-squared))

(define (output-efield-imag-squared) (output-real-field-function (cond (s-pol? "e_imag2_s") (p-pol? "e_imag2_p")
                                                                       (a-pol? "e_imag2_mixed"))
                                                                 (list Ex Ey Ez) efield-imag-squared))

(run-until runtime
      (at-beginning (lambda () (print "\nCalculating inital field configuration. This will take some time...\n\n")))
;     (at-beginning output-epsilon)          ; output of dielectric function
;     (at-end output-efield-x)               ; output of E_x component
;     (at-end output-efield-y)               ; output of E_y component
;     (at-end output-efield-z)               ; output of E_z component
      (at-end output-efield-real-squared)    ; output of electric field intensity
      (at-end (when-true (lambda () force-complex-fields?) output-efield-imag-squared))

(print "\nend time: "(strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) "\n")